Janitorial Direct Environmental Policy

Janitorial Direct Ltd is aware of it’s responsibilities as an employer, as a supplier of cleaning products and as a provider of washroom services. The company is concerned with both long-term and short-term effects of it’s business in relation to the environment. This applies to the chemicals contained in the cleaning products we supply, the way we handle waste disposal in our washroom services, and the activities of our staff at work.

The washroom services offered by Janitorial Direct’s Hygiene Division are another example of our commitment to environmental concerns. The collection and disposal of washroom waste in a proper fashion by a legitimate operator as opposed to simply flushing away into the sewage system has massive benefits for the environment. The duty of care now required by commercial organisations is supported by Janitorial Direct Hygiene’s positive attitude to environmental issues.

Janitorial Direct welcomes the introduction of government legislation regarding environmental matters but is aware that the real progress on this issue will occur as a result of the actions of individuals and companies. With this in mind Janitorial Direct is implementing a positive policy to promote a practical day-to-day commitment to the environment.

It is Janitorial Direct’s intention to commit time and effort to the initial reduction and eventual elimination of significant pollution which may result from Janitorial Direct’s activities.

This will include commitments to;

  • the reduction of waste and consumption of materials, fuel and energy.
  • minimising the environmental effect of new developments and activities through strategic planning.
  • specifying products that minimise environmental effects in production, use and disposal.
  • reduce or eliminate the production of polluting releases into the environment.

Janitorial Direct will;

  • comply fully with all legal requirements at every location where it is employed.
  • encourage full participation and commitment from all employees by carrying out appropriate training.
  • ensure that where legislation does not exist, the company set their own standards incorporating best industry practice in comparable activities.

Janitorial Direct believes that such actions can only be truly effective if carried out by suppliers and clients equally. Because of this supplier companies will be monitored on their environmental policies and actions. Clients will be advised about issues of relevance.

All the staff of Janitorial Direct will also be expected to implement this green policy in their work and will receive training to educate them in these matters.

Practical actions to be taken by staff will include:

  • implementing waste paper recycling in all areas.
  • recycling  used stamps and printer cartridges for charity.
  • providing recycling bins.
  • switching off computers and other devices at the end of the day, or if practical whenever possible.
  • putting water-saving “hippos” in all toilets.
  • reusing paper for message and note pads.
  • reusing envelopes and packaging.
  • regular monitoring checks to ensure lights, computers and other devices are not left switched on.

The management of Janitorial Direct will take responsibility to regularly review practices and policies that have a direct effect on the environment.